Good Luck

$ 120.00

Your fortune's truck, bringing fortune your way. A lucky glance, brightening your day. Success's advance, where opportunities get their chance, and you sway to the rhythm of prosperity's ballet.

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Attract good fortune, guiding you towards success and prosperity.

  • Enhance your ability to seize opportunities, propelling you towards your goals.
  • Foster a mindset of positivity and optimism, making the most of your good fortune.
  • Attract good fortune, guiding you towards success and prosperity.

Base Casting Only - Eligere Order will conduct your magical incantation using white magick. This process involves the use of high-quality ingredients and is supported by our extensive experience & prestige. (All enhancements are performed with premium ingredients and by Eligere Order)

Add Moon/Lunar Magick - Your invocation will be initiated, tapping into the initial surge of the Moon energies. The process then heightens in potency during the imminent New or Full Moon phase - a time when lunar forces are at their peak. This spellcasting technique harnesses elements and assets charged with lunar energy, culminating in a more powerful white magic ceremony. (Regardless of whether you request your spellwork a single day prior to the New/Full Moon or 20 days before, the timing will not influence the potency and outcomes.)

Add Black Magick - Your invocation will be carried out using black magick, typically fully materializing within a two-week period. Although the term may sound ominous, in this particular practice, black magick is employed in a way that ensures no harm will come to anyone involved. While it is known that black magick can be used for negative purposes such as retribution or causing disruption, in this context, it is not associated with such objectives. Here, black magick is simply a more potent approach that usually brings about results more rapidly, all the while keeping everyone safe.

Combine BOTH (Unrivaled Value & Exceptional Spellcasting!) – Your mystical endeavor will be performed utilizing the commanding force of black magick, and additionally, it will be boosted under the forthcoming full or new moon. By employing ingredients and materials that are imbued with the moon's potent energy + black magick, this enchantment becomes even more effective.

Spellsology & Eligere Order Guarantee

Our mission has and always will be to provide the utmost highest tier of education relating to spells in the world, which is why we have exclusively partner with the most prestigious order, Eigere Order, whose services was once only available to the high net-worth & influential. Together we have made a pact to deliver you the most prestigious spellcasting service without having to spend thousands of dollars.

If your intended outcomes do not materialize within the expected period, we are committed to re-performing your enchantment without any additional costs. In the event of delayed or inadequate spell manifestation, we may propose enhancing your spellcasting to a more powerful variant, possibly at a reduced price if we perceive it could be advantageous for you. However, the choice to have your spell recast at no extra expense will always be an option.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does this process work?

Upon purchasing your preferred spell-casting service, simply provide the required details below and proceed with the secure payment process. After your purchase is complete, you will promptly receive an email confirmation containing spell information and what to expect, along with direct email access to Amelia. If you need to upload any pictures, you can do so via your order confirmation email.

As part of our process, we include a personalized consultation to understand your specific needs and intentions. If, during this consultation, we determine that the spell may not be effective for your situation, we will contact you to discuss alternatives or offer a full refund.

You will also receive ongoing support throughout this process to ensure that you feel guided and empowered every step of the way.

For further details please visit our Consultation Page

Will you help me decide which spell best fits me?

Of course! You can get in touch with me using the chat function on our website or by sending an email directly to . I'm more than happy to help and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to provide a brief overview of what you'd like to accomplish, and I'll be more than happy to offer a tailored recommendation for your needs.

Is this real does it work?

There’s a lot of skepticism surrounding the idea of spellcasting, and that’s understandable. But when we talk about the reality of our practices, it’s important to consider both the ancient wisdom and the modern science that support them.

At the core of our spellcasting is the quantum field—a concept that isn’t just mystical or abstract, but one that’s grounded in physics. The quantum field theory is a fundamental part of modern science, explaining how particles interact at the most basic level. This field is believed to be the underlying fabric of reality, where all energy and matter are interconnected.

While science has only explored about 5% of the Universe, the remaining 95% is still largely a mystery, full of potential that we are only beginning to understand. The quantum field falls into this unexplored territory, representing a realm where possibilities are endless. It’s here, in this space of untapped potential, that our spellcasting operates.

By aligning with the quantum field, we tap into these powerful, yet subtle, energies that can influence outcomes in the physical world. This isn’t just theory—it’s a practice that has been observed to create real, tangible results, not just by us, but by those who have experienced the effects firsthand.

Our approach combines ancient practices with this modern understanding of the Universe, making our spellcasting not only spiritually meaningful but also scientifically plausible. We’ve committed a significant portion of our time to studying this field, even collaborating with a quantum physicist to ensure our methods are both effective and authentic.

So, when we say our spellcasting is real, we’re not just relying on tradition or faith—we’re standing on the foundation of scientific principles and the observed effects of these energies in action. It’s a blend of the old and the new, the mystical and the scientific, that makes our approach both unique and genuinely effective.

Do you provide photo proof of your spell castings?

We have chosen not to provide proof of cast for several important reasons, all of which are rooted in our commitment to the integrity and effectiveness of our spell-casting process.

First, our unique approach involves utilizing the quantum field, which is the secret sauce of our practice. This method allows us to connect deeply with both your energy and the universal forces at play, creating powerful results. Because this technique is both innovative and highly sensitive, we prefer not to expose or share any details that could be misused by others with less honorable intentions.

Additionally, we have encountered many situations where so-called "proof of cast" was used to deceive clients. Anyone can purchase spell-casting materials and take a picture, but this does not guarantee that the proper work has been done or that the spell will be effective. Providing such proof would do little to establish legitimacy and could detract from the true spiritual work being conducted.

Moreover, the process we follow is intricate and demands our full concentration and energy. When casting a spell, particularly with the methods we use, every step is crucial, and the energies involved are at their peak. Interrupting this delicate process to take a photo could compromise the effectiveness of the spell, which is something we are not willing to risk.

We believe in maintaining open communication with our clients and ensuring that you feel supported throughout the entire process. While we do not offer physical proof of cast, we are dedicated to guiding you every step of the way, providing ongoing support and reassurance as you work towards manifesting your desires.

Do you offer any guarantees?

Spell castings can never be guaranteed, and it's important to be cautious of anyone claiming otherwise. Though Eligere Order has worked with high net-worth individuals to influential world figures, we are neither a deity nor in command of the universe. Our role is to cast spells with positive intentions, utilizing the trusted and proven methods I've honed over the years.

However, I cannot assure that your spell will manifest.What I can commit to is offering a complimentary recasting of your spell if it fails to manifest within the specified timeframe (6 months). Occasionally, persistent energy or slight misalignment in timing can impact the outcome, which is why I provide this service free of charge.

If you seek a foolproof guarantee, that's something I'm unable to deliver, so kindly refrain from placing an order if it's a prerequisite for your peace of mind. Please remember, anyone claiming to provide 100% guarantees is giving you false hope and you should stray away from.

The $15 Scam

Don't be deceived! This trick is most prevalent on Etsy, where certain "spellcasters" demand approximately $15 for a spellcasting service. No genuine spell-caster, let alone a reputable Order, would charge a mere $15 for an authentic spell-casting.

What appears to be happening is that these individuals charge an enticingly low fee, clearly for a service that won't deliver. When the spell-casting fails, they entice the client to order another, and then another. Before you know it, customers have made multiple $15 orders with nothing to show for it. 

If you come across spellcasting services priced around the$15 mark, there are likely three possible explanations: 

1. The spellcaster has minimal experience and is pricing their services to reflect their low quality. Beware, as low-quality spell-casting is dangerous and is unlikely to succeed! 

2. The so-called spell-casters are total frauds, never actually performing the promised spellcasting! 

3. The cheap offer is a ploy to entice customers. Once the customers have paid the small fee, they're more likely to continue spending in the hopes of enhancing the spell's effectiveness. Ultimately, they end up spending significantly more for non-existent results.

DON'T wait till the last minute

We see this time and time again. Let’s use the example of a relationship, though it can be applied in any situation. Consider Bob and Stacy's scenario.Their relationship was great until Stacy felt Bob's love slowly fading. She discovered our unbreakable bond spell but hesitated to buy it, unsure if it was the right step or if the situation would improve on its own.

As suspicion and arguments escalated, the tension between them grew unbearable. Finally, feeling desperate and out of options, Stacy decided to use spell-casting as a last resort.By the time she reached out for help, the emotional damage had already taken its toll. The connection they once shared was severely strained, making the spell's work much harder and slower to take effect.

Despite spells working even at this stage, earlier action could have spared her much heartache and increased the spell's effectiveness, allowing the bond to strengthen before the relationship reached a breaking point.

The lesson? Don’t wait until the last minute—whether it’s about love, career, or any important aspect of life, it’s seldom the best approach. Taking timely action can prevent issues from escalating and give you a much better chance of success and happiness in the long run.

What is Success rate and how long to see results?

The majority of castings tend to manifest successfully on the first attempt. In some instances, a second casting may be required, which is why I offer this service at no additional cost. Persistent energy is often the culprit, but other factors may contribute to a spell's unsuccessful manifestation.

As mentioned earlier, I cannot guarantee success, but I do my utmost to ensure the effectiveness of my castings whenever possible. The length of time for your spell to transpire can occur within the week or may take up to two weeks or more. But expect minimum two weeks for your spell to fully transpire to months. Each spell is different and keeping an open mind is key.

The Universe vibrates energies and vibrations to you and from you off each second. Your inner thoughts, vibrations, auras, and chakras are being emitted into the Universe constantly, which has influences on said spell. We provide additional information in your Spell Info pdf and Spell Report on what to expect and ways to help your spell transpire quicker.  

In extremely rare cases, the casting simply refuses to manifest, regardless of my efforts. When this occurs, it's usually because the desired outcome isn't meant to be. In such situations, neither you nor I, nor any other caster, can force the manifestation. The only option is to explore alternative castings with different objectives in mind.

What information do you need? Is my information private?

In order to conduct most castings, usually your full name and year of birth are required. However, for certain types of castings, particularly those concerning relationships, additional information may be necessary. This includes the first name and year of birth of the person involved in the casting, such as an ex-partner or lover, and possibly the situation relating to your relationship, struggles, important things to know etc. Your information is 100% kept confidential! Any information you disclose to me will remain strictly confidential and will never be shared with anyone else. You can trust that your privacy is of the utmost importance to me and we take great care to protect it.

Will the spell last forever?

It's important to note that no spell can last "forever", and any claims otherwise are not truthful. The duration of a spell's effects is highly variable, influenced by the specific spell cast and a multitude of other factors.For instance, spells from our "Self-Love" category are ideally recast every month, while others persist until their intended goal is accomplished, and even lasting up to a year.

Factors such as the energies of the universe, your personal vibrational energy, the chosen casting option, as-well as many other factors, significantly influence the spell's duration.If you desire a spell's effects to last "forever", we recommend regularly recasting the same spell or a more potent version. This could be monthly, every 3 or 6 months, annually, or whenever you feel the spell's potency waning. Many of our clients opt for this approach, finding it a common and effective practice for a "forever spell."

Can I purchase more than one spell casting, or will multiple spells interfere with one another?

You have the freedom to buy any number of castings simultaneously without any restrictions. Rest assured that casting them concurrently won't cause any interference between them. The only scenario where castings might conflict is if their objectives are contradictory. For instance, requesting a spell for good luck and another for bad karma would essentially neutralize each other's effects. In my extensive experience, I have never encountered such a request, so it has never posed a problem.

Should I order a professional casting or perform it for myself?

I offer a vast selection of free 'do-it-yourself' (DIY) spell castings and general guidance, specifically designed for beginners or those exploring various casting techniques. Though, choosing to have a professional casting performed by a member of a prestigious order, is advantageous for a multitude of reasons from safety, experience, repercussions to more.Throughout my journey, I have encountered numerous challenges and grown from them, as you may also experience if you attempt castings independently. I employ expert methods and materials, along with distinctive and effective enchanted amulets. When in need of an effective casting, I always suggest seeking the assistance of a professional, whether it's me or another expert, as it ensures a safer, quicker, and more efficient path to achieving the desired outcomes.

How are you able to charge so little?

Quite frankly, we do not need the money as we have worked with that of high-net-worth, high-profile, and highly influential figures, exclusively in the past. However, we like to be as transparent as possible and we are not going to give you the basic half-lie, half-truth where we say we are not doing this for the money and it’s our passion and life’s mission to help…blah blah blah. 

The truth is it is our passion, but also, we do want to make money as well, we don’t want to lose money or to do this for free, just like you wouldn’t want to go to your job for free. However, since this is our first year offering our services to the public, we are barely making any money if any, so don’t be surprised as we get more out there, that our prices may start to increase into the $100-$200 range. Rest assured, we do not want to make profits for selfish reasons such as going on a lavish trip, expensive dinners etc., all of our profits get put back into supplies, resources and education for our members, meals, etc.

Can I cast a spell on someone’s behalf or against someone?

It's highly likely that I can create a customized spell that meets your specific needs, even if it's not listed on my website. To inquire about a consultation for a personalized spell, please reach out to us via email or the chatbox below. I provide both white and black magic spell-casting’s and can tailor them to fit your unique situation.However, there are certain limitations to what I am able to do. I cannot and will not cast spells that are intended to cause harm or death to anyone, as this goes against my ethical code. In cases where you are seeking a revenge spell, I do offer a safe alternative known as a karma spell. This type of black magic casting is customized to your specific situation and allows you to achieve justice in a responsible and ethical manner.

Do you offer discount codes?

Don't forget to signup for my newsletter to receive exclusive monthly discount codes. Additionally, if you are interested in ordering multiple spell castings, I may be able to offer you a discount on your purchase. To inquire about any ongoing specials or discounts, please reach out to me at via email. I am always happy to help and provide you with the best possible experience.

Refund Policy

The practice of spellcasting is an art form that relies heavily on intuition and personal energy. Despite the skill of the practitioner, success cannot be guaranteed every time; anyone claiming otherwise is not being truthful. Therefore, I cannot offer a 100% guarantee of results.

That said, our success rate is very high, due in part to our experience working with influential and public figures. We have honed our craft exceptionally well.If your intended outcomes do not materialize within the expected period, we are committed to re-performing your enchantment at no additional cost. Should there be delayed or inadequate spell manifestation, we may suggest enhancing your spellcasting to a more powerful variant, possibly at a reduced price, if we believe it could be beneficial for you. However, you will always have the option to have your spell recast at no extra expense.

If you still prefer a refund, we will grant it, no questions asked. But rest assured, we will never give up on working with you to achieve your desired outcome.


If you want to order my service for someone else, please ask their permission first! You must be 18+to purchase a spellcasting or have the permission of the adult whose payment method you are using to make the purchase. Services I provide are NOT intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions, or to be used in place of qualified medical care. Always seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner for all physical, mental, and emotional conditions. If you are feeling suicidal or at risk of harming yourself or someone else, please seek professional help immediately. My services are not designed to help with critical situations like that. LegalStatement: Results may vary and spellcastings are not guaranteed to be successful. Use my services at your own risk. For entertainment purposes only. We do not share, sell, or distribute your contact information under any circumstances. All information shared is confidential and secure. If you offer a testimonial/review, I may post this information on my website with names, emails and personal information redacted (blacked out), unless you specifically ask me not to.

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